It comes with great sadness to announced that Coconut has passed away. If you stopped by the Vapor Den in the last 10 years, you probably had a chance to meet her. She was a shop dog, and hung out at the Vapor Den 5 days a week; she took the weekends off. Whenever a customer stopped by, especially if she recognized them, she would do a little dance and just suck up all the love she received. She couldn't wait to get to the shop, she would head to the door at home when she would see me getting ready for work. I don't know if she knew this but she had a purpose, and that was to bring joy to some ones life. She succeeded. People would stop by just to say hi to her, and would be a little purturbed if she wasn't there.


Coconut was born in the Fall of 2007 at the Day Boston Terrier Ranch, named after the family who bred Coconut. My first memory of Coconut is that drive home from the Boondocks beyond Tracy. My car was never the same after that faithful drive. Coconut got her name on that ride as she gnawed on a Trader Vic's Menehune, she was about the size and coloring of a coconut so the name stuck She also pooped and peed on my wife during the ride home. She become our first child. Coconut's life was all about joy: she loved spending time with friends and family, she loved going for long walks around the neighborhood, loved to chase the occasional squirrel, and her favorite thing to do - EAT! for a little 16 pounder, she could eat. Her favorite treat was sweet potato wrapped in duck. Only the best for my little girl. 

One day it dawned on us that Coconut needed a collar to represent her royalty. So I went to Paco Collar, a little specialty shop in Berkeley for dog collars. The leather work is amazing and made to order. But they had so many lovely designs, I couldn't decide... also the price tag was a little step coming in at $175. So the grand idea was born, to have a  contest/raffle, where Vapor den customers could pick the collar they like and enter as many times as they like at $1 per raffle ticket. The people went crazy hoping to pick the winning collar, and it took us no time to raise enough money to get Coconut a collar more fitting to her personality and charm.

Coconut spent the last days of her life in quarantine, where she spent everyday hanging with the ones that loved her the most. I could tell she wanted to go in to the shop. When I would start getting ready to leave, she could tell after 10 years of watching me go through the process. But her little muscles were not as strong as they used to be so she settled for the retired life in a sunny spot, which rotated with the sun around the house. She was 14, 98 in dog years. I say she had a good run, spreading joy and love as one of this earth's special creatures that just want to be loved. Coconut will always be in our hearts and her memory and spirit will live on.